ama bal | but honey | aber honig

'Arı gibi çalıştılar ama bal yapamadılar' - 'They worked like bees but didn't produce any honey.' These words were spoken by Ayşe Yozgat, the mother of the ninth NSU victim Halit Yozgat, after the verdict was pronounced at the end of the so-called NSU trial, into the microphones of journalists waiting in front of the Munich Regional Court. The sound installation ama bal | but honey | aber honig deals with the question of how the microphone circuit in the courtroom determines the speaking order: Who is allowed to talk – who has to provide information? Who can have their voices heard – who has to remain silent? The microphones are thereby used as technologies not only for speech, but also for strategic silencing. At the same time, they are witnesses to a trial that seems more preoccupied with itself than with the murders around which it centers. The starting point of the installation is the essay Richt-Mikrofone. Expert opinion on questions about possible 'sonic segregation' in the so-called NSU trial by Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt, published in Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 10 (18) (2018).
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